Sometimes change is forced upon us and although we don't want to change-change can be good.
Why? Because it's easy to get stuck in a rut and think that we can only do this or that. I know that it's just a blog I'm talking about, but what's your take on change?
Do you like change? Do you hate change?
Do you change your home furnishing often? Do you eat the same food every day? Do you walk the same path each day? How do you cope with change?
I love this quote:
You can't discover new oceans unless you have the courage to leave the shore. Anonymous
I love that quote too. I was just thinking about this the other day. I think our fear of change is linked to our fear of failure. In my current position, I take on new projects and follow leads that often take me in different directions on a regular basis. I am discovering that the more I adapt to change (and survive), the better I get at it. However, in my personal life, I find I now keep things much more regular to offset my work. We need our safe havens...
Hi Beth,
Thanks for your comment and for visiting my blog.
I agree that change does bring up the question,
'What will I do if I fail?' It definitely is a matter of how we perceive the change.
I live a street away from where I grew up and I find I have to walk the same path and even balance on the curb just like a did when I was a child. Sometimes doing things the same does give a level of personal satisfaction but trying something different and changing the way we perceive ourselves is a chance for us to grow :)
Renee, love the new look. Appeals to my grotty yachtie nature and passion for the sea; winds of change, ah yes, do they ever cease blowing. I don't cope well with change but fortunately have known this from an early enough age so that, over time I have learnt to embrace it and work with it.
We dine in a different country every night; ie; I don't cook the same thing twice at least not in the same week. Change produces challenge and challenge encourages growth and strength.
I too love your quote which reminds me of another, I'm sure most writers will appreciate: "You can never expect your ship to come in if you don't send any out in the first place."
And of course it's worth remembering; That you can't change the wind, but you can always adjust your sails...
Hey Dimity,
Yes, I forgot you're a yachtie.I think this beach would make a nice holiday hey! Thanks for your great quotes.
Absolutely!! I thought it had a touch of Whitehaven Beach about it at first, which was my 'backyard' in the Whitsundays for many years. Thanks for taking me back for a moment :-)
There's a similar quote by the French critic and novelist Andre Gide:
"One does not discover new lands without consenting to lose sight of the shore for a very long time."
I love this quote and have it on the corkboard by my desk. I wonder if the 'anon' one you posted is perhaps a modified version of this original?
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